
Kotlin 中有两类相等性:

  • 结构相等(==——用 equals() 检测)
  • 引用相等(===——检测两个引用指向同一对象)


Structural equality verifies if two objects have the same content or structure. 结构相等由 == 操作 及其否定形式 != 操作判断。 按照约定,像 a == b 这样的表达式会翻译成:

a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null)

如果 a 不是 null 则调用 equals(Any?) 函数。否则(anull),检测 b 是否与null 引用相等:

fun main() {
    var a = "hello"
    var b = "hello"
    var c = null
    var d = null
    var e = d

    println(a == b)
    // true
    println(a == c)
    // false
    println(c == e)
    // true

请注意,当与 null 显式比较时完全没必要优化你的代码: a == null 会被自动转换为 a === null

In Kotlin, the equals() function is inherited by all classes from the Any class. By default, the equals() function implements referential equality. However, classes in Kotlin can override the equals() function to provide a custom equality logic and, in this way, implement structural equality.

Value classes and data classes are two specific Kotlin types that automatically override the equals() function. That's why they implement structural equality by default.

However, in the case of data classes, if the equals() function is marked as final in the parent class, its behavior remains unchanged.

Distinctly, non-data classes (those not declared with the data modifier) do not override the equals() function by default. Instead, non-data classes implement referential equality behavior inherited from the Any class. To implement structural equality, non-data classes require a custom equality logic to override the equals() function.

如需提供自定义的相等检测实现,请覆盖 equals(other: Any?): Boolean 函数:

class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
        if (this === other) return true
        if (other !is Point) return false

        // Compares properties for structural equality
        return this.x == other.x && this.y == other.y

When overriding the equals() function, you should also override the hashCode() function to keep consistency between equality and hashing and ensure a proper behavior of these functions.

名称相同但签名不同的函数(如 equals(other: Foo))并不会影响操作符 ==!= 的相等性检测。

结构相等与 Comparable<……> 接口定义的比较无关,因此只有自定义的 equals(Any?) 实现可能会影响该操作符的行为。


Referential equality verifies the memory addresses of two objects to determine if they are the same instance.

引用相等由 ===(以及其否定形式 !==)操作判断。a === b 当且仅当 ab 指向同一个对象时求值为 true:

fun main() {
    var a = "Hello"
    var b = a
    var c = "world"
    var d = "world"

    println(a === b)
    // true
    println(a === c)
    // false
    println(c === d)
    // true


对于运行时以原生类型表示的值 (例如 Int),=== 相等检测等价于 == 检测。

The referential equality is implemented differently in Kotlin/JS. For more information about equality, see the Kotlin/JS documentation.


当相等性检测的两个操作数都是静态已知的(可空或非空的)FloatDouble 类型时,该检测遵循 IEEE 754 浮点数运算标准

The behavior is different for operands that are not statically typed as floating-point numbers. In these cases, structural equality is implemented. As a result, checks with operands not statically typed as floating-point numbers differ from the IEEE standard. In this scenario:

  • NaN 等于其自身
  • NaN 比(包括 POSITIVE_INFINITY 在内的)任何其他元素都大
  • -0.0 不等于 0.0



如需比较两个数组是否具有相同顺序的相同元素,请使用 contentEquals()
