Spring Boot 与 Kotlin 入门
Get started with Spring Boot and Kotlin by completing this tutorial: it walks you through the process of creating a simple application with Spring Boot and adding a database to store the information.
Going through these four steps, you'll learn a lot of essential features of the Kotlin language:
Add a data class to Spring Boot project
Add database support for the Spring Boot project
Use Spring Data CrudRepository for database access
Next step
Start by creating a Spring Boot project with Kotlin using IntelliJ IDEA.
See also
Look through our Java to Kotlin (J2K) interop and migration guides:
- Calling Java from Kotlin and Calling Kotlin from Java
- Collections in Java and Kotlin
- Strings in Java and Kotlin
Join the community
Kotlin slack: get an invitation and join the #spring and #server channels
Stack Overflow: subscribe to the "kotlin", "spring-kotlin", or "ktor" tags
Kotlin YouTube channel: subscribe and watch videos about Kotlin with Spring